Sorry for the quality of the picture...it's dark and late. On the left is Socks That Rock medium weight Spring Fling. The other two are Sock Candy...colorway Boysenberry and Marigold. I had a great time visiting with the shop owner and had to decline an invitation to a barbecue at her home because my kids were on their way to see us.
We had a little party in our room then went for pizza. Afterwards we had to visit the Astoria Column which is just beautiful. It was so foggy and cool until right before we drove up there...could it have been any more perfect?
Of course, I am the only one too chicken to go to the top...so I stayed down and knit on my Sock Candy....of course I will frog it ... ha ha ... but I also listened to my I-pod...what fun, until I looked up and saw this:
Ha ha...well you can't really see, but Daddy is holding up my youngest to wave at me. I told them I wasn't waving back, I was trying to tell him to PUT HIM DOWN! Just kidding. This is what I got to look at while I waited for them and listened to Robin Mark on my I-pod.
Can you see the bridge there? It connects Oregon and Washington.
Here they are at the bottom, safe and sound:
I also got some fun gifts from the family for my I-pod. Now this is just about a little more cool than I think I can handle. haha. I got a gift card for I-tunes, a case, a cute little portable speaker, and an FM thingy. Of course, they are just going to have to teach me how to use it all, but I'm pretty excited.
After the kids left, hubby and I decided to go to the movies. How we did this, I don't know, but we forgot to watch the time. At 8:20 he asked me what time "Lake House" was showing....hmmm, 8:30? We thought it started at 8:20 but by the time we'd called, we found out it started at 8:40 and we walked through the door of the theater at exactly that time and didn't really have to watch all of the previews by the time we got popcorn. I love Sandra Bullock and the movie was interesting....we had to sort it out all the way back home.
I am sooo grateful for my family and friends for making my day special. I got text messages from the kids wanting to know if it was a special day for me...and from their "friends" wishing me a good day. It was good and I feel very, very blessed and so thankful to God for the wonderful things He has done in me and in my family.
Happy Birthday!! Looks like a wonderful day!!! Great gifts, family & friends. Gotta love that yarn too! What more could one ask for:)
Oh wow what a wonderful birthday. What a great family you have.
I am going weak at the knees over your sock yarn, especially the STR yarn!!!
Happy Birthday! The pictures are great!! I'm so glad you got to go and have a great time with your family, you deserve some fun!! Not that making socks isn't fun too. Cheers, to another year of happiness and new friends (and lots more socks - frog on - just kidding!)!!
I am happy that you had a happy birthday! It looks like you had a wonderful time in Astoria! I love the sock yarn!
A very HappyBirthday to you! I went to the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival to buy STR and they were sold out...it was early that morning too.
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