Monday, August 07, 2006

My camera has a dead battery

I finished knitting my Marit bag by KnitWhits (the stripes in the previous post) and took it and all the bobbles outside to take their picture and my camera is dead! I just have the triangle band to make around the top and I'm ready to sew it together and felt it. The instructions say to felt it first, then make all the pieces work together...when they felt at different rates. I don't want to mess with that so I'm going to sew most of it together first. I'll do the mattress stitch around the bottom after felting and sew on all the bobbles after also. I'm loving the bag and it knit up so fast! I'm showing you the picture from the knitwhit website until I can get my own on here.

I've also been practicing the new toe-up cast on I learned in the class with Cat Bordhi. I really like it. I haven't been so successful at the toe-up socks I've made previously, can't get the fit right, but I'm going to keep trying. If you ever get a chance to take a class from Cat....DO! She is so incredibly encouraging and you learn so much. I will take one every time I get a chance whether I have already had the class or not! She has a new method and it works great. I want to make an adult size sock, though, to see how the new techniques work. We can't share what we learned until her new book comes out next Spring, but it gives me lots of time to practice and perfect it. She has a great pattern in this month's Vogue Knitting.

I just bought my issue today. I'm going to go look at it now and figure out whether to do her new sock pattern or Nancy's Bush's. It's a great issue!


Melissa said...

Is she the "swing under, hummingbird over" lady? I saw her on Knitty Gritty if it is and want to try that cast on.

Sharon said...

You had a class with Cat Bordhi? Wow that must have been great as I have just been reading an article about this amazing knitter.

Oh and I can't wait to see some pics of the bag.

Anonymous said...

Argh - isn't it always the same with cameras, they tend to die on us when we'd be oh so ready to take pictures! I hope yours will be working again soon, and I'm looking forward to seeing pics of your bag!

Dip Lady Knits said...

I can't wait to learn to knit socks - I love these socks!!!
Can't wait to see the bag felted too!!!