Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ohhhhh my gosh......

I am working on Cat Bordhi's new toe-up sock in the current issue of Vogue Knitting. When I looked at the picture, I thought she had matched up the yarn so I spent about an hour Tuesday getting it matched up and wound it all together into one. I was well into the foot of the sock and honestly was hating it more and more the farther I got. I kept looking at the picture thinking something was different. Well, I finally looked closer and I notice...her yarn is not matched at all. Hers has kind of a mottled look and mine is just cheap looking. Way too much pink and blue. Soooooo....Bunni and I decide we can rewind it. We started on it yesterday and ran out of time so we decided today we would take a different approach. We would pull the yarn all the way down the hallway at the shop and separate the two strands, and rewind it. Doesn't that sound like it would work? would not even believe the mess we ended up with. That yarn was twisting and plying on itself like crazy. Customers were coming in to my family's business which is in the front part of the building my little shop is in. We just invited them to step over the mess. After an hour of this craziness ... and the yarn was so twisted, I realized that there is no way this is going to work. So, I don't know what will become of the sad yarn, but I know it's not going to become any socks that *I* knit! Sorry to say I never thought of taking a picture of it all.


Melissa said...

LOL!! How hilarious. You should have taken a picture.

Sharon said...

I would have loved to seen a picture of it too and as I haven't seen VK yet I am trying to imagine what the problem was.

I now know why your blog is called Knit and Tink ;)

Unknown said...

That sounds like you had a really frustrating time. I really love your handbag though, the colours worked together so well.