Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A little more than a tad bit irritated

I had so much fun knitting the baby kimono today. I got the cutest ribbon to tie it together with. Love the yarn.

So what's the problem? There are 192 yards on the Cascade Sierra Cotton. I needed 193. I know it looks loose in the picture but I am sure that is the is a nice fabric and I got it all finished and do not have enough yarn to sew it together! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I guess I see a little matching hat and socks or booties in the future since I have to get another skein of yarn. :(

I did have fun with Lauri today, though. We knit together for awhile today, she's always good company!


Lauri said...

Oh how frustrating to be that close to finishing and run out! I think that some booties would be very cute!

Melissa said...

How frustrating!!! But, now you have a nice big skein of yarn to find a smaller project for!